October 12, 2011

Project Halloween Costume - Part 2

Well, I was finally able to start the actual sewing and I got into it full force!  I began sewing and didn't really understand what the directions were saying about the stomach but I thought that 1) you were supposed to put some stuffing in it and 2) there was something a batting...I wasn't really sure about how it was all supposed to work and wasn't totally sold on how they wanted me to do it, so, I kind of did my own thing. 

First, I wanted the stomach to have some texture and wanted ridges in it, so I just kind of folded it before I cut it (I put a picture of the front below).  It was a little bit more difficult to deal with but I think it worked out.  I obviously (well, obvious to those that know me well) didn't measure when I folded - duh, that takes to long...just eye it is my motto - nor did I iron it which I had wished I had done later.  I sewed a piece of fabric behind it but it just caused problems and wasn't really working to stuff, so I modified by sewing the tummy on half way, stuffing it some then sewing it the rest of the way.  I wanted to totally alter how I sewed it on but thought I might really mess things up if I tried.

Next was the back side.  I sewed the tail with no problem...attaching the fins (I only did one row instead of two because I didn't do the two colored fins).  I stuffed the tail and attached it to one of the back sides...then things got a little out of control.  I started sewing up the back side (I also attached fins which weren't in the directions but really, what dinosaur just has fins on the head a tail).  I forgot however that Maddie would need to get into the costume so I had to rip out the whole seam.  I redid it just sewing part of the way up the back but then the tail fins and back fins weren't lining up and it was driving me crazy.  I kept trying to fix it and the waist was getting smaller and smaller, so I cut out the tail and started over -
Since I didn't do 2 fins, I had extras.  I cut new back pieces and started over and it went much better...here's the costume thus far!


  1. She's going to be the cutest kid out there this Halloween. And the cutest dressed one too.

  2. Will you make one in my size? If you do I will wear it to school all day long and if you're lucky, I'll wear it to core group.

  3. Thanks Krystal!

    Becca, if the fabric wasn't so expensive I so would, that would be awesome bahahaha.
