May 25, 2015

Surviving Summer & Making Memories

Being a stay at home mom, I learned quickly that my kids have a special ability to drive me and each other crazy on a daily basis.  So the summer has the potential to send us all to the looney bin by week one,  or I can try and keep the kids entertained and my sanity intact by planning some fun and inexpensive activities.  Here are some ideas of things we will be doing this summer!
I have printed off blank calendars and will fill in things to do.  Some things we will do weekly, some will be special trips.

Stillwater Area Activities (Many of these programs like Library & kids bowl free you can find in your town)
May 21 – June 25
Thursdays 6pm – 10pm
*Water games and a movie

Thursday Mornings @ 10am
*They will show a different movie each week
Summer Reading Program
*Sign up to read this summer and earn free food
Story Time – Days and times vary
*They do stories, songs, short film strip & craft

Carmike shows an older kid movie every Thursday at 10am.
Cost: $4 per person
*Each person gets to watch the movie and everyone gets a kid drink and popcorn!

Open 10am-1pm & 6pm-8pm

Sign up and you can take your kids to bowl 2 games a day all summer!
Days and times vary, check out the link for days & times
FREE games, you will have to pay for shoes ($3.50) or bring your own, 
you can get a pass to bowl 2 games with them for only $28.95 for the whole summer 

Open Play on Friday Mornings and evenings
$7 a person, punch cards are available which can save you a little bit
See link for times and age restrictions

Go check out one of the many Stillwater parks!

Let Kid’s loose on Library Lawn

Go out for Breakfast/lunch/dinner and let kids play at a play place
Cost of food - go for a meal or just grab a snack, the dollar menu's are a great money saver!
There are play places at Chick-fil-a, Burger King & McDonalds 

Cost: $7 a person - they do charge for adults :(
*If you are interested, their family passes for a year are very affordable, and a family of 4 will make up there money in only 6 visits!  Plus you don't feel obligated to stay all day.  We like to go for about an hour or so.  Really great for those super hot days!

Lost Creek Safari
Cost: $5 per person, $5 for a cup of feed if you want to feed the animals
I haven't been to this but heard it is awesome!  
It's reservation only, so this would be fun to get a group together and go :) 

Peach Picking
OSU has an orchard in Perkins, last left before you get to HWY 33
Pick peaches, it's around $25 for a 5 gallon bucket full of DELICIOUS peaches!
Last year they weren't open, I guess it was a bad season, there will be a sign up when they are open

Field Trips (Around Tulsa & OKC Area)
Jenks Splash Pad - FREE!
I don't know exactly where this is and can't find a link, if you know the exact location, let me know so I can update this!  It is in Jenks, OK along the river, there are some great playgrounds and water things to play on and in.  Great for all ages!  There's also a sno cone stand there which is a great treat!  Pack a lunch and make it a day!

See Link for Prices and Hours
See link for Prices and Hours

Woolaroc - Near Bartlesville
Adults $10
Kids 11 & Under - FREE!

The Round Barn & Pops - Arcadia, OK
 Stop by the barn then visit pops and get one of hundreds of sodas for the ride home!

Children's Museum and Adventure Quest

This is pretty pricey in my opinion, and honestly, I would probably prefer the zoo.  But, you get to touch sting rays and they have a cool walk through tunnel where the sharks swim over.

Museum is Free, Train Rides on 1st & 3rd Saturdays (tickets available)

At Home Fun
 Cooking w/ Kids:
Think Popsicles, cookies, pretzels, homemade pizza!  Pinterest would have a world of ideas :)

Art w/ kids: 
Again, think pinterest!
Grab a canvas and let them paint, play-doh fun, macaroni necklaces.

Outside fun: 
Sprinkler or water balloon fights

So here is my plan - 
*we will try to do library once a week. 
*we will try to play in the water (splash pad, pool, etc) at least once a week
*we will try to switch off Cooking and Art every other week
*we will have field trip fridays - some will be in stillwater, some outside of stillwater
*we will bowl when we can, hopefully semi-frequently (I love bowling!!!)

The rest, we will do as we can and as we want to.  But this gives me a list to go to when the kids are driving me nuts! :) 

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